Portal X – Liberation, Gamified
Social Technology for the New World
The New, Liberated World already exists. We just have to access it. Portal X is the new social technology platform designed to accelerate the actualization of our highest potential as we manifest the New World.
Portal X’s quantum healing algorithm will help us elevate our minds, bodies, spirits and reality through customized feeds and spaces showing us the exact content and resources we need to fulfill our highest purpose. Imagine a place where you feel SEEN, an algorithm that knows you and works to serve you rather than exploit you.
Here’s your opportunity to supercharge your success. Fulfill your highest purpose in a journey that is not grueling but joyful, and with people who are just like you.
If you’re a Black Woman CEO or aspire to be one, Portal X is made for you. Join the Black Girl CEO Network here for maximum benefits from our ecosystem and to be the first to test out the Portal X app.
All others can register below to join the next 21 Days to Liberated Habits, experience the next NOIR FEST or dive into our other upcoming experiences.
You can also see the visuals and get more details about the upcoming Portal X platform here.
For the Portal to African Intelligence (Journey I: The African Origins of Humanity), go here to be immersed in the first curated journey of elevating art, film and music–a taste of what’s possible in the New, Liberated World.
The Moment is Ripe for Quantum Liberation
Portal X encapsulates the expansive offerings created under the NOIR Labs banner. NOIR Labs is a global social enterprise accelerating Black Liberation–from within–through art, tech and community building. Portal X, now a website, soon an app, taps into the glory of Afrofuturism to activate the highest vision for universal Liberation from Within.
As we journey through this Age of Aquarius, humanity has greater access to and awareness of the increasingly transparent convergence of the metaphysical, the scientific, the spiritual, the ancient and the digital. As worldmakers in pursuit of a Liberated Black future, it is our duty to activate these intersections in powerful ways, for the benefit of all African-descended peoples, and by extension, all of humanity.
We are calling on all Afrofuturist leaders, visionaries and cultural producers (artists, storytellers, filmmakers, etc), all those who dream of Liberated Black futures–to join us in our mission to activate resources at the convergence of the above principles through a creative, Afrocentric, and humanist lens.
Through our curated content, experiences and services, we invite you to activate the infinite opportunities for business and society inherent in this New World way of being.
Meditation, manifestation and quantum physics. Religiosity, revolution, and spiritual awakenings. Ancestors, soul family and social currency. Black love, Black intimacy and Black power. These ideas serve as the basis of our understanding thus shaping the Portal X ecosystem you find here, where Quantum Afrofuturist Worldmaking is an essential daily practice.
If you are a feminine-bodied Black leader, community organizer, Founder, CEO or in any other position of leadership, we want to connect with you. Join the Black Girl CEO Network here to tap into a private community of visionary feminine leadership activating the intersection of the metaphysical and the practical for the benefit of all humanity.
If you are a creator, cultural producer or artist of any discipline, we invite you to showcase your work in the Portal to African Intelligence, our digitally curated creative directory of leading African Diaspora cultural production, and Quantum Afrofuturist art and ideology.
We invite partnerships on events featuring leading thinkers and creators in the Worldmaking space, as well as on curated journeys through the Portal to African Intelligence. Let us together experience, amplify and fortify African Diaspora art and cultural production speaking to the ideologies and visions of Quantum Afrofuturism. You can also join this movement as a patron.
The first Journey of the Portal to African Intelligence, The African Origins of Humanity was launched during Quantum Afro Futures on Feb 28, 2022 with a dialogue and Virtual Portal Journey sponsored by Yale Council on African Studies.
Future installments will take place here on the Portal, covering the topics listed above. If you’d like to partner on a dialogue, experience or Journey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
To be notified of future Portal Journeys, please register below. We are particularly excited to work with creative and educational institutions, cooperatives and businesses committed to furthering social justice ideals.
If you’re not already a NOIRSHIP member, you’ll need to register to be notified of new events and Portal Journeys. Thanks for your support!

Asset: Nyakim Gatwech