Voice Note – The Energetics of Healing the Black Womb

Education in our household primarily takes place in conversation. The impartation of knowledge, the exploration of questions, the research, the channeling, the prayer, the writing, the creating.

Sometimes—more often of late—we record our vocal conversations. Below is the link to a rare unedited recording in which we discuss the Energetics of Healing the Black Womb. We also discuss the Altar as a site for womb healing and purpose fulfillment.

According to the Chakra System, the Sacral Chakra, where our womb is, governs creativity, magnetism and our ability to attract and keep romantic partners. Understanding the energy of our sacral chakra, healing our physical and energetic womb, is critical for fulfilling our Highest purpose and living our best lives. Through this, our children too can live their best lives.

Sacrificing ourselves at the altar of our children’s hire-ability does not actually save them as we may think. Rather it perpetuates the cycle of unfulfilled dreams, which manifests negatively in broken relationships, broken homes and then broken bodies.

From the binary code (as in Ifa cosmology) as a metaphor for how humans are created; to the infinite Energetic Lineages of which each of us is a part, this dialogue helps us to make more and better sense of the connection between our physical health and our spiritual health. Especially at the site of the Black womb.

Listen below:

If this resonates with you, please share your thoughts, downloads, questions, curiosities, discoveries, so that we can all continue to collectively grow in our womb healing.

I hope this helps someone. If you’d like to dig deeper into these questions within a high-vibrational community, join us for the next 21 Days to Liberated habits here.

Much love

Olori Lolade Siyonbola (Creator of Portal X) and Yetunde M. Olowosoyo (Founder of Citrus+Cinnamon)

Listen to more teachings and get more resources on the Black womb here.